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In the event that you need to cancel your appointment, please be sure to give us a minimum of 12-hour notice, 24-hour notice for eyelash extensions and body services. This allows other guests to book an appointment during this time slot. Any appointments that are canceled with less than a 12-hour notice (or 24- hour notice for eyelash extensions and body services)  are subject to a cancellation fee of 50% of all scheduled service(s).  Any appointments that are ‘no show’ will be subject to 100% of all the scheduled service(s).


We understand that accidents happen, people get sick and/or emergencies occur.  We will do our best to accommodate these rare occasions with grace. Unfortunately, we do record these occurrences so as to prevent abuse of the policy. We understand this may come across as shrewd and our goal is to be preventative in order to protect and accommodate our team and guests.


Thank you for your understanding!

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